Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Precious snowflakes having "quarter-life crises" upon encountering what the rest of us call "the real world" [Si.. http://bit.ly/PjkU5
Abraham-Hicks: Find Better Feeling Options http://bit.ly/10aK2r
Photoshop Theme: Reality shows that would appeal to your grandparents [Photoshop] http://bit.ly/2bnJI1
In an effort to foster a calm and reasoned debate, protester straps gun to his leg outside townhall where Obama .. http://bit.ly/18XPrK
UK's Royal Opera House to perform 'Twitter' opera. Working titles include "Madame Pooperfly", "I Shat on a Hot T.. http://bit.ly/jkWMs
Ragtime - Theatermania http://bit.ly/vALYp
Israel swamped by mermaid sightings: "Many people are telling us they are sure they've seen a mermaid and they a.. http://bit.ly/PmSCs
Photoshop this touchy tooth [Photoshop] http://bit.ly/XBThM
Abraham Hicks (Reach the Right Vibrational Attitude...) http://bit.ly/DON7J
Today's tale of a 25-year old thief hogtied by a 69-year old man brought to you by La Crosse, Washington (Bonus:.. http://bit.ly/3iouKy