Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pema Chodron - "Shenpa" http://bit.ly/1Q7STB
Es Bueno Sentirse Bien - Abraham-Hicks (It is Good to Feel Good) http://bit.ly/4AE7Xw
If you are going to go around town stealing wolf statues, don't ride around with them on top of your car [Weird] http://bit.ly/liWAW
Not news: Ohio judge silences defendant. Fark: With duct tape [Amusing] http://ping.fm/kl0jQ
Keep Your Self-Righteous Hands Off Of My Processed Foods! http://bit.ly/1NXoiY
Old and busted: The Green River Killer. New hotness: The Georgetown Cuddler? [Strange] http://bit.ly/4aTJmU
There's a reason most airplane cockpits don't come equipped with a minibar [Dumbass] http://bit.ly/3JEMGn
Fifty-year old women, two-year old breasts, twenty five-year old dudes. Yeah, it's a Cougar Convention [Amusing] http://bit.ly/1wbIkk