Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Could Agribusiness Follow Airlines and Cut Emissions by 50%? http://bit.ly/HhCoZ
Funny how you never hear about a phone number advertised for a phone sex line actually going to a resource to he.. http://bit.ly/AyLTh
French authorities want photo-altered models to come with warning labels as well as penalties if you rip the tag.. http://bit.ly/3rCPTS
Abraham-Hicks (How to clean up your vibration...) http://bit.ly/Xg81U
Census says there are 150,000 gay married couples, estimated to be about twice the number of happy hetero marrie.. http://bit.ly/PYO3l
Nancy Slonim Aronie - "Truth" http://bit.ly/15rnc8
A click a day feeds the homeless http://bit.ly/4ESOUW
You know that it just isn't your day when you're mugged for your pants, you comply, and then after being told to.. http://bit.ly/mu0Cq
New Jersey high school senior girls publish a "slut list" every year as part of a freshman hazing ritual [Stupid] http://bit.ly/M2zEj
Woman reports own son to police for rolling a joint with a page from a bible. Holy Smokes [Stupid] http://bit.ly/PWmVI