Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hundreds of thousands of Chinese march on Tiannamen Square to celebrate 60 years of Communism. Say what you will abo.. http://fk.cm/4681502
The Sustainable Food Revolution Will Not Be Limited To L.A. http://bit.ly/3zeZqq
Picture of Iran test firing a missile shows UFO tracking the weapon. I want to believe aliens are going to protect u.. http://fk.cm/4680409
How to Lose Weight Using The Law of Attraction http://bit.ly/119PT9
Farmer sprays milk on policemen during a protest against falling milk prices. Fark: With a cow (yes, there's a pic) .. http://fk.cm/4679852
MyCML Care: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) http://bit.ly/3K1Rhf
Scottish police chief notes all the women raped last week in his town were drunk. Fails to realize all the women not.. http://fk.cm/4679409
RT @elena_lopez: RT @mashable: Monitor Your Electricity Usage in Real-Time With Google PowerMeter - http://bit.ly/NGZG9
Small Farmers Raised their Pitchforks, and the Government Actually Listened http://bit.ly/eNNYv
So this is how they find seventy-two virgins [Amusing] http://fk.cm/4679177
abrahamhicks2 http://bit.ly/lTVTQ
Photo Essay: Why purse snatching in Chinatown is a bad idea [Amusing] http://fk.cm/4678948